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Category: Legal Notices Government Notices
Source: News-Gazette Digital Classifieds
Listed: Wed Sep 18th

City of Lexington
Notice of Public Hearing
Amendment of Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be conducted by the Lexington City Council on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. during its regular meeting, held in the first-floor meeting room of the Rockbridge County Administrative Offices, 150 South Main Street, Lexington, Virginia, to solicit input on Ordinance 2024-08 amending the FY 2025 budget from $52,492,109 to $56,754,739.This ordinance proposes appropriating $100,000 of the FY24 surplus to the Lexington Police Department for training and development opportunities and the purchase of an electric vehicle. Additionally, $4,162,630 in carryover funds are proposed to be appropriated as follows $31,970 General Government Administration; $54,042 Judicial Administration; $20,372 to Public Safety;$213,320 to Public Works; $2,733 to Recreation & Leisure Services; 16,912 to Economic & Community Development; $34,938 for a capital project at Lylburn Downing;$1,025,053 to the Utility Fund to continue I&I reduction projects, meter replacements, drainage improvements, and the Jackson Ave Area Water and Sewer Project; $1,934,855 to the Capital Projects Fund to continue sidewalk improvements, street paving, cemetery improvements, stormwater projects, dam projects, bridge repairs, and renovations to City Hall; and $828,435 in the Equipment Replacement Fund to complete purchases of vehicles ordered in FY 2023 and 2024 but not delivered before fiscal year end. Copies of the Ordinances may be obtained from the City Manager’s Office in City Hall at 300 E. Washington Street.

Jani L. Hostetter,
Clerk of Council
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