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Avoid becoming a victim of scams and fraud!

  • Arrange to meet so the buyer can examine the item before payment
  • Be suspicious of too-good-to-be-true offers;
    there's probably a catch
  • Send money before you've seen the item
  • Send an item before you have been paid
Well known classified scams:
  • Cheap overseas phones (iPhones etc.)
  • Cheap laptops (MacBooks etc.)
  • Cheap loans (overseas)
  • Get rich programs
  • Advance funds fraud
  • Puppy scams
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Category: Employment General Help Wanted
Source: News-Gazette Digital Classifieds
Starting on: Wed Dec 31st

Brain Injury Connections Now Hiring - Case Manager

Join our team with nearly 20 years of experience in coordinating and delivering services for individuals affected by brain injury. As a Case Manager, you'll initially focus on community outreach to expand our service area, build referral networks and raise awareness. You'll be the key liaison in Rockbridge and Bath counties, maintaining a caseload and ensuring comprehensive support. Hours start at 32 per week and may increase. Send an email to: [email protected] or call 540-568-8923 for information.
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