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Category: Legal Notices Government Notices
Source: News-Gazette Digital Classifieds
Starting on: Wed Dec 31st



A public hearing will be conducted by the Lexington Planning Commission at a meeting to begin at 5:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 28, 2024, in the first floor meeting room of the Rockbridge County Administrative Offices, 150 South Main Street, to allow persons to present their views in response to zoning text amendments proposed as follows:

Article 3. Use Matrix: correct the reference to use and design standards for Dish Antennas, add Cemetery as a conditional use in the P-OS zoning district and remove it as a permitted use in the R-1 zoning district, amend the Specialty Food Shop use classification in the R-LC zoning district to conditional, add Chickens as a by-right use in all zoning districts, and replace Gasoline Station use with Vehicle Fueling Station use.
Article 4. Zoning District Regulations: amend Areas and yards section to allow fences up to eight feet in height in commercial zoning districts.
Article 6. Entrance Corridor: amend Entrance Corridor lighting standards and light pole height limit to be consistent with the dark sky lighting requirements and maximum height for light poles in Article 15. Exterior Lighting.
Article 11. Use and Design Standards: add an explicit prohibition against outdoor storage for Home Occupation, amend Bed and Breakfast standards to allow an owner to reside on an adjacent parcel, delete the requirement that a Townhouse must front on, or be accessed by, a public street, and replace Gasoline Station with Vehicle Fueling Station.
Article 12. Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements: add language clarifying that a conditional use permit allowing off-site parking in a remote parking lot can only occur on parcels located in the C-1 or C-2 zoning districts, and add language to the Design standards section specifically allowing electric vehicle charging equipment.
Article 13. Signs: add total sign calculation and maximum sign allowance language to the sign tables for the C-1 and C-2 zoning districts, and add language allowing signage to be displayed on electric vehicle chargers and fuel pumps.
Article 20. Definitions, amend Specialty Food Shop definition to remove cooking prohibition, replace Industry, Light with Industrial, Light to match the use listed in the Use Matrix, amend Story, Half definition to increase knee wall height to five feet and increase clarity, amend Short Term Residential Rental definition to clearly limit a property to one booking transaction per nightly rental, delete definition for Gasoline Station, and add definitions for Vehicle Fueling Station and Electric Vehicle Charging Station.

A copy of the draft Zoning Ordinance Amendments, case number ZOA 2024-01,is available for public review and examination between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in the Planning and Development Department located on the second floor of Lexington City Hall, 300 East Washington Street.

Arne Glaeser
Director of Planning and Development
462-3704, [email protected]
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